ACADEMY34 — Public release —

Time to lewd the cute! v0.8.4.3 PUBLIC RELEASE!

You've been waiting for this. You've been waiting for this more, than you've been waiting for any of the Overwatch girls. There's nothing to be ashamed of
You can download the new update on our site.

Andre is the first background character to get her own storyline and, for a while, she will be the only one. As we promised, we're not going to take focus away from the Overwatch universe and it's characters. We just wanted to expand variety a little. 


- Andre is now available as a romanceable character;

- New h-scene. Handholding included;

- Added option to hangout with Andre on weekends. Later we're planning to expand variety of characters you can invite;

- Made it easier to get second variant of Andre's X-Ray;

- Updated sprites for Andre;

- Updated sprites for Default;

- Bound Q-key to open quest log;

- Fixed Prologue quest log;

- Fixed bug, that caused MC's name to be displayed incorrectly in the replays, again;

If you like our work you can follow us on patreon and twitter.



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