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Only breeding kink-adjacent scenes, but no pregnancy itself.

🌭 Harem Update #1 — FREE Release 🌭

Andre & Blaze started hanging out together:
🔸 At first they were just really getting along…
🔸 Then your name started popping up more and more!
🔸 But when they started mentioning their favorite kinks…

You knew you were in for a treat 🥵





If you enjoy what we do and would like to take part in shaping our game's future, be sure to join high ranks and get access to this and every upcoming closed testing, as well as many other rewards

okay here i am again i still didn't get a response to my last message so i resend it again "okay I found a bug. when I was doing the Aurelie quest line I arrived at the moment where I need to speak to Reina. The probleme is that it played another scene and Reina do not appear after. And i can't do anything as sleeping is stopped."

Added this to our bug list, thanks!

Sorry for not responding to the last message, sometimes once we start looking for the cause of some error or bug we forget to actually give feedback. Again, really sorry and thanks for posting it again.

no problem, I was just annoyed as i cannot continue the game and that from what i played it is really great so thank you

I'm having troubles on Andre's route. I can only meet her in the library and cannot proceed to the next event and on the phone it only said "you know what to do" LIKE NO I DON'T. I need help

Have you talked to her in the hall, not library? She appears there in the morning.


She doesn't appear in the hal for some reason

I've checked and Andre is with Julian and Default, i didn't see her there I'm sorry

If you unlock the gallery, does it just unlock everything in your current version, or will new content also be unlocked when you update?

Are you talking about "unlock gallery" button in the Settings menu? If so, you'd have to click it again to unlock new content after the game updates.

🌭 Harem Update #1 — $2 Release 🌭

Andre h-games obsession reached new levels:
🔸 It started out as a joke…
🔸 A way to pass the time…
🔸 But now she unironically daydreams about becoming a loyal servant in your HAREM!
🔸 And there is only one girl who can match Andre’s freak!





If you enjoy what we do and would like to take part in shaping our game's future, be sure to join high ranks and get access to this and every upcoming closed testing, as well as many other rewards

How are these installed?

On PC just download, then extract the archive and run the academy34.exe

On android download and install the apk.

Is there a way to hide the text box? It blocks out a lot of the scenes because of its opacity, and unlike most games, the regular buttons dont hide it.


There is an eye button to the bottom right of the textbox. And “H” button should work as a hide function as well.

Is this a new function or am I just that blind? I only noticed it after updating since i was playing on .22

i think its a feature of the graphic motor they use, could be wrong

We began the slow, but necessary process of revamping our UI. So all the new features are in the latest versions.

Hey I know this is a little of topic, but downloading this game I was skeptical about how much content it would contain for being generally free. I was surprised though by how much content it had and was wondering when will new content for tracer will come out?

New Tracer's (Sonya) update is planned for Early 2025, probably January if all goes well. And yes, there's around 8-10 hours of content if you're planning to read through it!

Release on steam

Steam release is planned!


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hello i'm having trouble with the mysterious book quest am at the point where it says to talk to potential suspects/ informents. i have talk to everyone except Andre every time i try to talk to her the only  thing that shows up is the content we got with the Degeneracy update and the quest does not update (bug report?)

Hey! We have fixed this particular bug in the latest version (Harem Update). It will be released on Itch next week.

Thank you Young and Naughty 🙏🙏🙏

Hi! I think I have a bug for Reina's quest. I'm supposed to do the Xray quest to do Ava's questline but I need to Pursue Ava for Reina and I never had the occasion to do the xray. When I talk to Reina at the fountain, I can only see the gallery of image which is empty.


I just realised that I needed to continue Clyde's quest before so it's okay now!


I think i found a bug I'm trying to complete the mysterious book mission and the last person i have left is andre but everytime i go to her since i completed all of Andres storyline it just keeps giving me the bathroom and library sex options instead of being able to ask about the book, do i have to make a new save and start over to complete the book mission?

(1 edit)

As mentioned above, this particular bug is fixed in the latest version (Harem Update). It will be released for free on Itch next week. Sorry for inconvenience!


💠 Sitara, Part 2 — PUBLIC Release 💠

Our most unique story is now FREE!
🔹Help out Sitara & Holo with their work…
🔹And experience their gratitude in full swing!





🌭 Harem #1 — $5 Release 🌭

Our first ever HAREM update!
🔸Andre & Blaze are so eager to please you…





If you enjoy what we do and would like to take part in shaping our game's future, be sure to join high ranks and get access to this and every upcoming closed testing, as well as many other rewards.

I downloaded the new version and now my entire gallery is empty

(1 edit) (+1)

It can happen if you previously had a very old version of the game.

In main menu you can go to options and fully unlock the gallery from there!

Uh hi 

I'm new and I wanna ask how do u start the xray mission

You should be able to start that one by talking with Reina at the fountain!

(1 edit)

I don't think it did

When go to her in the fountain it opens the menu to buy some images

Maybe I started it without realizing it

Is there anything I should do

Go do other things and it should eventually unlock. I don't remember exactly what it was - maybe drinking with Clyde a certain number of times or something. But it got triggered by advancing one of the other questlines enough.

Ok thanx I'll try that

alguien me dice porfavor como desaserme del sobredosis  de soyrent no me deja tener las bolass llenas 

im like 90% sure you meaant to post this in the factorial omega page, also, eat pickled onions

Hello. I just wanted to say that I installed the latest update today, making it the first time I checked out the game in probably two years. Obviously, I am aware that a lot can change in two years so I was quite surprised to see both the characters' art styles and names changed. The former I understand (though to be honest, I preferred the simplicity of the earlier style but I still quite enjoy this new style too) but why the latter? Forgive my ignorance (again, I haven't played this game for at least two years) but I wanted to know if there was a reason for this. If I were a gambling man, I imagine it probably had something to do with not wanting to get a copyright takedown from Blizzard.

pretty sure it was something to do with legal stuff, they did say there might be an option to change names yourself (I haven't played in a couple updates so I'm not sure if it's implemented yet)

Yeah, I thought as much. Thank you for answering.

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I cannot for the life of me find the third jammer, and I don't know how to scan the library, please help.

It's in the classroom, under one of the tables.

Ohhh okay, thank you!


okay i posted a few month ago about a bug and i didn't get an anwser for it, so in hoped that it was fixed i installed the latest update well bad news, she still not here and so i am still stuck without being able to change day, hopes that it get fixed


Could you please repost your report here again? I'm gonna pass it to our team asap.

here it is : "okay I found a bug. when I was doing the Aurelie quest line I arrived at the moment where I need to speak to Reina. The probleme is that it played another scene and Reina do not appear after. And i can't do anything as sleeping is stopped."

🌭 Harem Update #1 — $10 Release 🌭

Prepare for trouble and make it double!

🔸 A redhaired 👹 and an adorable 👼 — perfect mix for a HAREM!





💠 Sitara, Part 2 — $2 Release 💠

No more cliffhangers!

🔹 Sitara and Holo finally join forces to get what they want the most... YOU!





If you enjoy what we do and would like to take part in shaping our game's future, be sure to join high ranks and get access to this and every upcoming closed testing, as well as many other rewards


I just became a Commander and now idk where to find the discord channel

It's my first time being a Patreoner




bro got his porn novel immersion ruined by a typo 👇


all devs want their games to be as good as possible so when i see a typo or bug i report it as everyone should


👆 bro got his porn novel immersion ruined by a typo


idk if its already been reported or not but this line should be books not book
also ignore the scratch 

Thank you for the report! Passing it to the team.

(1 edit) (+1)

heres another one just found

Found a bug where you can't go back to infirmary for zehera question when you're at getting wrong wrong meds and have to wait couple of days to report back to nurse about the said pills effects


🌭 Harem Update #1 — $20 Release 🌭


Blaze and Andre — Gremlin and Honey bun... They seem like two opposites, but through the course of this update both end up in your bed! 


And this is only the beginning...





If you enjoy what we do and would like to take part in shaping our game's future, be sure to join high ranks and get access to this and every upcoming closed testing, as well as many other rewards!

I think there should be a discord for free users also so that we can also chat with other players and give feedback,etc.

It's over time since 5$ release of  degeneracy update

Can we expect it in the next few hours


Public release of Degeneracy update coming this Thursday!

Is it still coming today?

It's already out! You can find it available on our website, links on Itch will be updated within a few hours.

Are there any plans to release a translation into any language other than English? I'd love to be able to play with a version adapted to Brazilian Portuguese. I'd even help translate it if you had a team of volunteers.

Since there are still plenty of things we'd have to change about the game, we plan to first give it a proper polish, and then get to translating it to other languages. But we'll definitely do it later!

That's great! Don't forget that you have a very solid fan base now, including here in Latin America. Knowing the Brazilian people, I'm sure you'd get voluntary support from people to translate the game if you can't afford a team. We spent a lifetime translating games at a time when they weren't translated into our mother tongue. We still do it today, with indie games like Pathologic. Whenever you need help, don't forget us. Your game is amazing.

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💠 Sitara, Part 2 — $10 Release 💠

We have to pat ourselves on the back here…

🔹 This update features the most UNIQUE and CREATIVE h-scene we ever did!





🥵 Degeneracy Update #1 — $2 Release 🥵

And this one truly speaks for itself:

🔸 Yeah, it's named "Degeneracy" for a reason!





If you enjoy what we do and would like to take part in shaping our game's future, be sure to join high ranks and get access to this and every upcoming closed testing, as well as many other rewards!

(1 edit)

I got a new phone. Is it possible to transfer the save file from one android phone to another? 

The save is from last December so I understand if it won't work


Hi! Saves on Android are stored in:



But since your saves were made in December — yeah, it might cause some serious bugs, so it might be easier to just use a "skip to new content" feature.

soft locked? with Mei ask her to do somthing wild but cant talk to her after class and all the hangouts are jus recollection's?

i figured it out JUST after sending this, Amazing timing moment u gotta do some of the tracer stuff thats amazing ive been stuck on that for 2 days

Am I the only person who cant get past the naming part an android or am I just stupid

If you're playing a downloaded android app, a keyboard should appear on your screen when you're naming your character, and once you're done, you can press enter and proceed.

Cant xray sonya since the rework, is this intentional?


Not really, but also... yes, in some sense. We plan to rework how xray works and we have new backgrounds lined up to be added to the game, so adding xray for sprites that will get updated next year seemed a bit wasteful...

But we're cooking something very interesting in regards to xray for the new version of the game!

I cant complete the mothra book quest. when i talk to andre i dont have an option to talk about the book. what do i do?

It's our bad, sorry :c

With addition of Degeneracy Update we screwed up progression with that quest and will fix it up in the future release!

Again, really sorry about this...

Hey guys! Small thing in the Sonya update. When you get the nude version of the pool scene, there's one image where Sonya still has her bikini bottom's on. Its the image where she's behind the main character with him shaking his arms. 


Hmm, we will check this, probably the layering got screwed up a bit...

🥵 Degeneracy Update #1 — $5 Release 🥵

This is the KINKIEST, most DEGENERATE update we've ever released!

Time to lewd and get lewded!





💠 Sitara, Part 2 — $20 Release 💠

And this update has the most imaginative h-scene in all of Academy34!

And yes, it's a threesome… sort of.





If you enjoy what we do and would like to take part in shaping our game's future, be sure to join high ranks and get access to this and every upcoming closed testing, as well as many other rewards!

Which is the new actualization?, I'm with Andre, I don't know, who next after andre in the infermary 

After the infirmary — if you have version or newer you will have a continuation for Andre's route and can get new scenes!

my bad I had to reset my keyboard

💠 Sitara, Part 2 — $20 Release 💠

We didn't want to edge you for too long, so...

🔹 The most imaginative h-scene we ever did!
🔹 TWO horny librarians for the price of ONE!
🔹 Learn how solid light feels to the touch...

No more cliffhangers!





If you enjoy what we do and would like to take part in shaping our game's future, be sure to join high ranks and get access to this and every upcoming closed testing, as well as many other rewards!

The New Sonya Scenes are not showing up in the Gallery.
Plus there is the issue of not being able to tell what is a Cutscene and what is a picture in the gallery since you removed the subtext under each.

Gallery is a mess. We will be remaking it all.

And the subtext was removed because that feature was slowing down the load times of gallery by like 5 seconds every page turn...


It seems that the direct link that you have for the public version of this does not work, however when I go through the "our site" link and click on the most recent public version, it worked for me. You might have to rework the linking of that post on here

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Hi! Yeah, our programmer updated the build from 24.1.2 to 24.1.3 and the links on itch broke. It should be working now!

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📚 Sitara, Part 1 — PUBLIC Release 📚

Can you withstand the horniness of a VERY down bad librarian lady, whose sexual drive is literally DOUBLED?

The hard work always pays off, you know~


Also, it's perfect time to play Part 1, because...

🔹 Sitara, Part 2 — COMING THIS WEEK!





If you enjoy what we do and would like to take part in shaping our game's future, be sure to join high ranks and get access to this and every upcoming closed testing, as well as many other rewards!

How do I do the assignments task and how do I study the books because it keeps saying it's not the right time.

On your PC in your room!

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